Lean and Design Thinking in Practice

After lean and agile software development has become more and more the standard for both smaller and large-scale organizations, the main question for professional software developers is no longer only how to build and deliver in time and quality. One main focus today is how to build innovative and viable products and solutions. Thinking schools and related methods such as Design Thinking, Business Model Generation and Lean Startup bring up a lot of good practices to foster innovation and viability. We believe and collected practical evidence that Scrum can be applied as end-to-end process framework for software projects to build the right things right.

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Link: http://www.scrum-day.de/archiv/scrumdayjul12sap/vortraegedownload/20120705_Scrum_Day_FRAMING_Design_and_Development_FINAL_published.pdf

  • Methodenbericht
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Referent: Tobias Hildenbrand; SAP AG

Dr. Tobias Hildenbrand joined SAP in 2009 and took over program office responsibility for the development-wide lean implementation. Today, he is a development project consultant acting as lean trainer, continuous improvement expert, Scrum mentor and Design Thinking coach for development teams. Together with SAP Research, he is currently also driving a project on large-scale lean software product development. Before SAP, Tobias conducted his doctoral studies on “Improving traceability in distributed collaborative software development” together with banking and software industry partners at the University of Mannheim and the University of California, Irvine, USA. Since then, he is still an associate lecturer and researcher in Mannheim.

Referent:Jochen Gürtler; SAP

Jochen Gürtler joined SAP in 1998 and worked in various roles like developer, architect, product owner and development manager.
At the moment he leads the TIP Core Innovation Team which drives, promotes and facilitates a number of high profile innovation activities covering a range of services from scouting, assessments and feasibility proofs and prototype and showcase creation. Besides that the team acts as incubator and learning lab for new methodologies and processes for software development. This includes the active usage of LEAN and design thinking.
Besides that he is a accredited Gestalt practitioner and he works for several years now as coach and consultant within the SAP and also in his own institute in Karlsruhe. 
Jochen is fascinated by the question what change needs to be happen. And this both on a content level and on a personal level. What is needed that ideas can arise? What is needed that a human being is able to personally grow?